Category: Pictures

  • Defining SEO and Making It Work for Your Pawn Shop

    Defining SEO and Making It Work for Your Pawn Shop

    Defining SEO and Making It Work for Your Pawn Shop

    Businesses today can touch the corners of the world with a click of a button. Web pages, social media, external links, internal links, and landing pages help reach those who want to find your brand.

    Search engine optimization (SEO) is the science of improving a website to improve and increase website visibility, search engine rankings, and google rankings.

    Customer Engagement

    Search Engines

    A search engine is a web-based tool that enables users looking for information to find what they need on the world wide web—understanding how search engines work is the first step in improving a website’s ranking. There are different SEO techniques to optimize a website owner’s results.

    Keyword Research

    Keyword research is discovering which words and phrases a consumer base or target audience will use to search for information from a website. Searchers want answers to questions, and Keywords, relevant keywords, and keyword phrases are all used on search engines to get answers.

    Keyword research provides vital information. It includes information on where keywords you use to rank for keywords, which keywords are accessible to rank, and what your competitors are using as keywords for ranking.

    Keyword research resulting in what keywords are used directly impacts search engine results.

    How your web page performs is affected by the keywords used on the page and content.

    On-Page Optimization

    When your customers and searchers find your web pages, on-page optimization is what the readers will see when they find your page. The information they see is mostly content. Content marketing focuses on ensuring the content on your website uses keywords based on keyword research, so search engines discover your site.

    The content as part of on-page optimization is informative and geared to rank well to provide the information and answers to questions searchers have. The content has to be perfect, informative, and better than anyone else’s.

    Including keywords in the title of your page, URL, first paragraphs, and sub-paragraph headings. Keywords should cover a specific topic.

    Your website must be easy for searchers to navigate and find the information they are looking for. Searchers don’t want to read complicated content that is hard to follow, and they want to read quick, easy, and informative information that answers their questions.

    It’s all about the experience.

    SEO Off-page Factors

    Defining off-page SEO is link building. By linking visitors to your site, you will get more visitors. It also tells Google that your site is one worth visiting, so Google will rank your web page higher. Having an authoritative website positively affects search page results.

    Backlinks are links on other websites that are not yours that go back to a page on your website. Backlinks are also called inbound links. It’s like your friend inviting their friend to your home.

    The quality of backlinks is essential too. If other sites, Facebook, Twitter, and other social media platforms, are talking about your site, other people will want to check out what you have to offer, which will get you more website traffic.

    Connecting, Linking

    Backlinks promote an online presence.

    Technical SEO Is an SEO Strategy behind the scenes.

    The design of your website needs to be responsive, and SEO strategy includes ensuring that your page loads quickly and scales to mobile devices, so mobile search results provide users with what they need. No one wants to wait to have a page load, and if the page loads slowly, you will lose visitors because they don’t want to wait.

    They are ensuring that images load quickly and there are detailed sitemaps and other technical factors that will help your website performance.

    The HTML on each page should be optimized.

    If search engines know through schema markup what is on your web pages, crawlers will figure out what is on your page, increasing your search engine results.

    Of all the search engine optimization factors, technical SEO sounds intimidating, but the fact is you need to provide a good experience for your users.

    If your site is fast and easy to use, you are making progress.

    Local SEO

    Many businesses, like pawn shops, have a physical location where they want customers to visit.

    More customers, more money.

    Google My Business is an essential local SEO strategy. This strategy ensures that your name, address, phone number, operating hours, reviews, and other helpful information is displayed in search engine results and on google maps.

    Good photos, descriptive information, and read reviews from customers provide users with what they need and want.

    SEO strategy includes embedding a Google Maps marker in your homepage, adding a region or city to your page titles, descriptions, and keywords, and displaying awards and trust symbols.

    Searchers like Apps – App store optimization

    Apps stores get many web searches every day. If you have an app store, you want to ensure your users get what they need.

    App store optimization is very similar to on-page SEO.

    App titles and icons are the first things users will see when they look at your app. The app needs to be descriptive and attractive and includes keywords based on keyword research, and Meta tags should also include keywords.

    YouTube SEO

    Based on a niche type optimization, it can increase the traffic you are getting. YouTube is one of the world’s most popular search engines.

    Posting and having your YouTube videos rank on a Google search will help with search engine optimization. The title needs to be descriptive and have relevant keywords, and a longer, keyword-rich description will help search engines know what your video is about.

    How-tos, reviews, and tutorials are always popular.

    Pawn Shop SEO Efforts

    If you want to boost your search engine rankings, you will need to use a variety of SEO approaches.

    A multi-faceted strategy works best to get search engines to discover and crawl all of your pages.

    Search Engine Marketing (SEM)

    Search engine marketing is often referred to as pay-per-click. The approach is cost-effective, and you pay when someone reaches your webpage. It can be a good marketing approach and good value for your money. The marketing focuses on your chosen audience according to location, language, interest, and device.

    Paid search engine marketing includes text ads that increase website tragic and gain more customers. It can also have Google AdWords to help you optimize your web content.

    Organic search traffic is free traffic, and organic traffic is searchers visiting your web pages from an unpaid source.

    Major Search Engines

    Undoubtedly, Google is one of the most popular search engines.

    YouTube, Bing, Baidu, Yahoo,, and DuckDuck Go quickly fall in line. Search engines send crawlers and bots across the web pages found on the world wide web, searching for information that answers the questions a searcher asks and then indexes that information.

    Where your site lands on the search engine results page is a result of how search bots estimate precisely how well your website or web pages can give the searcher what they are searching for.

    Search results are based on relevant content, keywords, URL, load speed, readability, and how well your web pages provide the information needed. Search engine algorithms use all the components to rank your site higher in search results.

    Your site ranks are how it shows up on the search engine results pages, and the ideal place to be is in the top three spots. Because Google is the dominant search engine, SEO mainly revolves around what works best for Google.

    Pawn Leads Logo

    Pawn Leads – A Full Services Integrated Marketing Solution For Pawn Brokers Like You and Small Businesses

    Pawn Leads is a Customer Communication System and full Marketing Solution for Pawn Brokers like you.

    The company caters to pawn brokers and small businesses. The automated system provides solutions that automatically follow up on every potential opportunity that comes through your doors.

    All communications from your customers are tracked in one convenient place. Custom automated follow-up text, email, webchat replies, campaigns, and feedback help you close more deals.

    The system includes Texting

    • Emailing

    • Reviews

    • Forms

    • Landing Pages

    • Call Recording

    • Text Opt-ins/ Subscriptions

    • and so much more

    The company sets up and runs paid ads to generate more customers in your store while integrating the latest tech and custom solutions for the pawn industry. Pawn Ads are not simple, we specialize in negative keywording, cost bid adjustments, and ads that convert into profit.

    Unlike other ad companies, Pawn Leads is constantly refining and adjusting in order to increase performance and reduce ad spend.

    Pawn Leads provides an SEO strategy including web page review and design, custom website builds to mobile ad ons, hosting, key word research, blog and content writing, press releases, internal links, external links, analytics and reporting and much more.

  • A Picture Speaks a Thousand Words and Increases Webpage Engagements

    A Picture Speaks a Thousand Words and Increases Webpage Engagements

    Indeed, no one is surprised that businesses have to work to keep their followers, customers, and searchers’ interests to keep them engaged. Catching your target audience’s attention is only part of the battle; sustaining their attention is another thing altogether.

    Strategically placed images can help drive more visitors to your website and including images effectively promote social sharing.

    Images aren’t just photos. They can be infographics, cartoons, GIFs, or other visual elements. They need to look and feel fresh and not staged and set up.


    Websites with images get more views.

    It’s estimated that websites containing images receive 94% more views than pages with no photos. Why? Because images bring products and services to life, pictures tend to set in action what you as a business owner are trying to say in words.

    For example, someone telling you a story with words can describe the setting of the story dynamically. But once you see an image of the scene, that image will resonate in your mind. You can visualize the image anytime the words are spoken or thought about the picture you saw.

    The same goes for products and services. Include an image that shows someone using your product or service, and the service becomes ‘real.’

    It takes about 100 milliseconds to identify an image.

    When you take the time to carefully chose an image that reflects your product, there’s no more talking about it, the image captures the searcher’s eye, and they want to know more. It’s as if the image is seared in the potential customer’s mind, and they can recall it quicker when they hear a name that suggests your store.

    Horseshoe magnet attracting golden pawns over black background. Concept of inbound recruiting and attracting talents to the enterprise. 3d illustration.

    Images on your site improve conversion rates.

    Google and other search engines like images. There are many reasons why this is the case. Properly labeled pictures with metadata and captions will create more content for search engines to find and index. The value of images can’t be overstated.

    Because search engines use keywords to find your site, they will also use images giving you more ‘bang for your buck.’ Taking quality pictures of your business is a great place to start if the photos are relevant to your shop. Some examples of webpage-relevant pictures could be a pawnbroker showing a customer electronics, jewelry, or a wedding set for a future marriage.

    Social media writers, blog writers, and other websites may want to use your pictures if your image quality is fantastic. Don’t be afraid to share. You can extend your reach by having someone use your images and then backlink them to your site, improving search results from interested parties.

    Having relevant pictures of your merchandise will encourage searchers to ‘click’ on the photo and engage with your site. Let’s do a test. Go to your search browser and put in something you are interested to find out more about.

    The thumbnail images that show up draw your interest, and you are more inclined to click on the sites with the thumbnail images. This results in more engagement with your company.

    Other buttons that include GIFs, pictures, or cartoons to fill out forms to complete a subscription will help with customer engagement. The form will have the contact information of the customer, and this can be used to set up intentional interactions in the future.

    The definition of customer engagement is the relationship between your company and the search user or potential customer. With intentional, consistence nurturing, your company provides long-term value for each interaction. Getting a potential customer to take action improves loyalty.

    The act of being involved with your customers.

    Stores located in or providing services to a particular location can use Google maps to help determined customers find the store.

    Data points can help you as a business owner measure the success of your plan with your marketing team and how to use pictures, keywords used in each sentence on your site, and intentional interaction to cultivate confidence in your customers and brand recognition.

    At a pawn shop, getting items at an affordable price is one of the services offered. Also, obtaining a loan on several things is fast and easy, and money is easily obtained through a secure loan at a pawn shop.

    Pawn shops buy electronics, jewelry, gold, and other luxury items. Defining the process and letting them know your pawn shop is a great place to get a loan and affordable merchandise is essential in getting potential customers to engage.

    Think of a customer and your business as an arrangement that nurtures the customer’s involvement with your company, so the customer feels a part of what you have to sell.

    Customers want to be connected. Using your pictures to market your business is a way to help customers ‘know’ you, and these types of ads contribute to them feeling like the arrangement between you as a business and customers is genuine.

    When you develop a regular process to include phrases, pictures, or a deal when a potential customer asks a question, these things will encourage customers to engage and keep coming back. Of course, the effectiveness of what you say and how you use a word or engagement noun can go a long way in customers participating in your store.

    An engagement noun is a pledge, an appointment, or an arrangement.

    There are different types of engagements in business. There is the engagement of convenience, emotional engagement, contextual engagement, and social engagement. In the past, colors, pictures, and messaging created emotional bonds with customers. This is important because 99 percent of brand buying decisions made by customers are from an unconscious emotional space, emotional engagement.

    The engagement noun of convenience

    Looking at the engagement of convenience, does your business have a quote or chat button on your website, giving customers a ‘convenient’ way to engage? This would be a start.

    The engagement noun of emotion

    Understanding emotional engagement, in today’s world of the internet, web pages, digital images, GIFs, videos, and other digital elements, it is easier to engage customers emotionally and respond.

    For instance, do you post drawings they can enter with a push of a button or blog posts they can read about your store that tells them a story with pictures, so they know you are genuine?

    The engagement noun of context

    Contextual engagement is noise or a ‘buzz’ about your business. Sending a text blast or a push notification that encourages a customer to join an opt-in deal group is very helpful in promoting customers to engage.

    The engagement noun of experience

    Customers are social beings, and they want social engagement. This is achieved through experience. The experience on your webpage, the experience with your brand, and the experience when they visit your store all build positive social engagements. Sending a text message to ask if their questions were answered after they engaged is a great way to use contextual engagement to support the positive social engagement they experienced.

    words spelled out on wall

    Phrases, Words, and Keywords

    Phrases and words used effectively help customers find your business when the user puts the words in their search bar on their browser. Google crawls the web and indexes different sites that have particular keywords so they can use the sites to quickly answer user questions. These words will also help with your ranking.

    There are keywords that need to be used in your content and when you label pictures or start writing content on your pages. You can complete a keyword search to help you figure out the most effective ones to use.

    What would a dose of engagement each week do for customer retention?

    As a business owner, what would customer retention grow if people want to engage and you engage once a week through an engagement with meaning, a picture or GIF, and a response button?

    Pawn Leads Logo

    Pawn Leads CRM System

    After testing the waters and taking a walk down the possibilities of social, contextual, emotional, and convenience engagement through the use of an automated customer relationship management (CRM) marketing system, Sam Reading and Lex Case, owners of Pawn Leads, know what it will take to engage regularly.

    As the owner of two pawn shops and a couple of small businesses, the owners researched and knew what they could expect from the mainstream tools available on the market today.

    Both owners were busy with all it takes to manage a company, employment issues, trying strategic planning and problem-solving, inventory and supply acquisition, and running their ads. They quickly knew how difficult it is to be an owner of stores and do all it takes to generate leads, increase profits, and grow.

    There was no time left at the end of a day to nurture potential customers, new customers, or returning customers.

    They didn’t have time to add pictures to the web pages to improve the number of clicks they were getting or writing context that had meaning for the reader on any device.

    They decided to enter into a joint venture, design Pawn Leads, an Automated Marketing Solution for themselves, and then offer it to others like them, pawnbrokers and small business owners.

    Primarily focused on Pawn Shops in the USA and small businesses, Pawn Lead offers a CRM system (2-way texting, reviews, email marketing, etc…), website builds, progressive mobile websites that add onto your current site, web hosting, and custom development as needed/required. Pawn Lead offers Google Ads, SEO, Press Releases, Blogs, and dedicated marketing support (flyer creating, holiday marketing, etc…).

    Pawn Lead marketing solution is the answer to your automated engagement needs saving you the business owner time while increasing conversions.

    It is the Pawn Lead teams’ job and they take what they do seriously.

    The team wants pawnbrokers and small businesses to buy, sell, and loan on more merchandise, increase the number of engagements, and increase the total interactions and connections, while saving time. This will give more money to pay for other necessary things and develop and grow profits.

    The Pawn Leads team of experts understands what an engagement noun is and how to use different engagement tools like lead magnets, email marketing, text blasts, click now buttons, follow-up text messages, images, and relevant content to keep customers engaged so they become loyal customers.