Content Marketing Tune Ups for 2023

Marketing 2023

Content Marketing Tune Ups for 2023

What’s the saying, “here today, gone tomorrow”? The marketing world and the multitude of approaches change at the speed of light. Trying to keep up with the changes can be daunting. Even the best, most experienced marketing teams can be overwhelmed with trying to stay ahead of the game.

As 2022 ends and 2023 begins, it is important to consider your marketing strategies and how to maintain a sense of relevance to your target audience. If you don’t, you will be left behind

Marketing trends in 2023 will include, influencer marketing, video marketers, social media, SEO and search traffic, mobile optimization, social responsibility, inbound marketing, and virtual reality or augmented reality marketing. All of these need an aligned marketing and sales team that promotes experiential marketing for its consumers.

The question is where to start.

First, the marketing and sales teams need to evaluate the outcome of marketing efforts made in 2022. Asking hard questions, like did it work, did the effort reach the target audience, we needed to turn them into paying customers, could we have done better with content marketing, digital marketing, video content, or SEO?

Video Marketing

People like short and to the point. They want video content that gets to the point and shares the information to the question the searcher has. Videos need engaging content to keep the searcher on point. Maybe you haven’t used video marketing. Your marketing team will be able to help.

Social Media

Social media impacts everyone’s life. There are several social media platforms like Facebook, Twillio, Instagram, and Reddit. Are you using these social media platforms to promote our brand and keep you profitable?


Search Engine Optimization (SEO)

SEO is essential if searchers are going to find your business. Knowing how to promote your business through search engines requires some knowledge about how search engines work and what helps your business rank in the top level of the search results.

By doing so, potential customers can find your business and learn how what you have to offer will meet your need.

Big questions, as you plan for marketing in 2023, is how does your webpage rank and what kind of website traffic are you getting?

Mobile Optimization

Your target audience and potential customers are on the go. They carry their cell phones around as if the device is a life support device. You need to include mobile optimization in your 2023 marketing team strategies.

wordpress blog

Content Marketing

What is your content marketing strategy? How does it differ from 2022? Because there are different ways to approach content marketing, a written strategy is important. Creative blog posts, videos, and testimonials may be what is needed to show your business is superior to your competitors.

Budget and time will determine if you focus on one content marketing strategy or if you combine strategies. Content marketing focused on unique niche topics help with reaching potential customers.

A content marketing strategy establishes your brand as a leader, boosting trust among your audience by creating content and distributing valuable content in various ways. It attracts new customers and promotes engagement.

Inbound Marketing

Content marketing is a type of inbound marketing that attacks customers and build brand awareness and loyalty. Inbound marketing builds customer retention. Inbound marketing efforts add depth substance and longevity to your marketing team’s efforts.

Paid Advertising

Paid advertising is a way to put your company on the map. Most social media allow for paid advertising. Pay per click search engine marketing matched to a target audience and their demographics may be a good investment.

Marketing 2023

Social Responsibilty

In today’s world, with 50% Gen Z-ers and 40% of Millennials seeking companies that take a strong position on social issues like racial justice, human rights, gender inequality, and climate change makes social responsibility a must in marketing. These generations make up the current customer audience and it is clear that social responsibility, ethics, and transparency matter to the modern consumer.

If these things matter to potential customers, social responsibility will impact purchases and lead conversion.

Some marketing strategy steps include inclusive initiatives, promotions, and offerings, while highlighting causes or missions that the company support. It is an effective marketing strategy concern.

Marketing strategy must include things like keyword research, high quality content, experiential and engagement techniques, consistent content, how to articles, and social media.

Video Content

In 2023, video content will play a role in marketing. Videos are a content marketing strategy that uses short-form videos to engage with their target audience.

Short form video content is to the point and aligns with the fast-paced attention spans of the online audience. Long videos offer a depth of information, but people searching for a quick answer may not take the time to watch a long video. Combined with social media and the ability to engage the target audience through direct messaging on social media platforms, captures leads quickly and effectively.

With all the changes in types of content marketing and changes 2023 will have on traditional advertising techniques, you may want to hire a marketing team to help.

Digital Margeting

Pawn Leads, LLC

Pawn Leads, LLC is a full service integrated marketing solution for your small business or pawn shop. Leveraging the latest technology, the team at Pawn Leads works with you and identifies marketing strategy solutions for your company.

Pawn Leads is a Customer Communication System and provides a full Marketing Solution for Pawn Brokers like you who are too busy to sit down for a bite to eat, let alone follow up with every potential opportunity that comes through your doors.

All communications from your customers tracked in one convenient place, so you don’t risk losing that Post-It with notes. Custom automated follow-up text, email, webchat replies. Get phone call feedback to help close more deals. Integrated Marketing Solutions like Google and FB Ads.

The team understand why content marketing works, how to improve search engines results, and create videos, content marketing, paid ad content marketing, and websites that reach potential customers. They will also consult with you and design a package that meets your 2023 marketing needs.