Setting Business Goals Includes Pawn Leads, LLC

Business Goals

Setting Business Goals Includes Pawn Leads, LLC

Business goals move your business forward. They also provide milestones that measure success and failures. They set clear expectations and ideas of where the company wants to be short-term and long-term. Business goals create accountability measures for owners, managers, and employees.

It would be all too easy to say that establishing business goals is simple. It isn’t. A business owner needs to take some time to think about some basic things that set the foundation for what business strategy will be used to grow the business.

A Business Goal is Defined

Business goals define what the business wants to achieve. It also defines the specific methods and paths a business needs to take to achieve the goals. Why are business goals important? Because they help measure progress, and affect the operations and success of an organization.

What Business Are You Really In?

To help write a mission statement for your business, you have to consider what business you are in.

Is there a reason you wanted to start the business? Was there a gap in services, a path to make money? Did you have a passion for your services or product, or want freedom from a time clock and having to report to someone else?

Was starting a business important, so you could create something from the ground up?

All these questions will enter into your purpose in owning a business.

Marketing 2023

Who Does Your Business Serve?

Knowing your customer base, target population, and “avatar” is important to your company plans. If you only have a population of 405 people and there are 7 ice cream shops and you want to open an ice cream shop, your competition will be steep, and only so many people buy ice cream. The population may be saturated with ice cream options.

To determine your target population, you will need to know who your competitors are, what kind of person will use your product or service, which people are not your customers, and who is your ideal customer.

Clearly defining your target population will help you come up with clearly defined actions to meet their needs.

Who are you as a Business Owner, and What Do you Have to Offer?

As a business owner, you don’t have to know everything and how to do it all. You have to know who you are and what your talents are. Why did you get into the business originally? Was there a talent, or skill you wanted to build on? Are you a manager or leader, or an entrepreneur? Do you like producing, having a way with people, or being a visionary?

Where are you in Life?

Starting and running a business takes time, and for some time a new business owner has to put in the time, work long hours, problem-solving solutions, and cheerlead the business in the right direction. It isn’t an easy journey.

If you are near retirement age or have health issues, what time and energy do you have to offer your new business? If you buy an existing business, do you have the time and energy necessary to put new marketing strategy goals in place?

A personal inventory is necessary if you are going to be on the same page as a success if you are a business owner.

Mission Statement

A mission statement is the definition of an organization’s purpose and the reason the business exists. It is the foundation for business goals. A vision goal is another way business owners capture the direction of the business.

A mission statement is a long-term goal that moves the company forward. They are general and typically have one metric to measure success. Mission statements define a company’s larger purpose.

Goals and Objectives

Short-term goals and objectives, and long-term goals and objectives make up business goals and objectives. They can be set arbitrarily, but the most successful goals are thought about and push the company’s performance a little further.

When the leadership team and owners understand what the company is trying to achieve, it is easier for management to justify hiring, acquisitions, incentives, and sales programs.

Business Goals

Smart Goals

Smart goals are specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and time-bound.

Specific Goals:

Goals for your business need to be well-defined and narrow. Having specific goals clearly describes what needs to be achieved.

Measurable Goals:

Defines exactly what needs to be accomplished to prove that progress is being made. What are the key results expected?

Achievable Goals:

Successful goals are those achieved during a set period. The goals need to be achieved.

Relevant Goals:

Relevant goals must be in alignment with your values and the long-term goals of your company.

Time Bound Goals:

Setting a time frame to achieve your goals pushes you as an owner and employee. Make the period of time realistic, but ambitious enough to drive your efforts forward.

Short Term Goals

Short-term goals are set for a specific period. The time frame ranges from a few hours to a year. A common strategy is to have multiple short-term goals to easily achieve long-term objectives.

Long Term Goals

Long-term goals are time oriented and longer than a year. Short-term goals are the building blocks towards long-term goals. Because long-term goals occur over an extended period of time, keeping track of the progress being made toward the goal is important, so you don’t lose sight of each goal.

Goal Writing

Goals can also be a set period of time for teams, workers, managers, and others. All are built on the company’s larger purpose. Once reached, there is employee satisfaction, and personal achievement.

A simply defined goal would be to grow sales over the next three months by attracting 30 more potential clients. This goal aims to expand and grow part of the business by a certain amount. This type of goal could also be written to include new products, customers, or locations.


Pawn Leads, LLC

You can hit any aim by sketching out your plan, selecting the correct form for goals, and cheerleading your team to meet this plan. Every major accomplishment begins with a well-thought-out strategy. This includes a marketing strategy and business plans that include experts.

Pawn Leads is a Customer Communication System that provides a full Marketing Solution for Pawn Brokers. Starting a business, and building a business, takes time. Every potential opportunity that leaves without engaging with you or your business is revenue lost.

Pawn Leads has a team of experts who understand how to help you define a marketing plan as part of your business plan, so you don’t lose opportunities. All communications from your customers are tracked in one convenient place, so you don’t risk losing them. You can build your goals to follow up on each contact.

Custom automated follow-up text, email, and webchat replies. helps close more deals. The service also has integrated marketing solutions like Google and FB ads.

Pawn Leads meets with each owner to understand the company’s operations and what they want to gain in the company’s market share. The experts want to understand the general direction the company is headed in and where it has been.

By working with pawn shop owners, goals and objectives, and key results are seen within a few months.