How Is a Blog For SEO & Goldie Locks & the Three Bears Related?

How Is a Blog For SEO & Goldie Locks & the Three Bears Related?

Once upon a time, there were three bears. Early every morning, they would go for a walk. When along came Goldilocks a girl with long and golden locks and then upon the door she knocks (Knock, knock, knock) But no one was there no one at all…

SEO Blogs

What is a blog?

A blog is a weblog, an online journal where an individual, group, or corporation records and report informative posts to online searchers. People want information, and they look to the internet to search and use their favorite search engines to find helpful information.

Some blogs operate mainly as news filters, collecting various online sources and adding short comments and Internet links.

The moral of the story Goldie Locks and the Three Bears is the need to respect the privacy and property of others and how your actions could hurt others.

So how in the heck are blogs and Goldie Locks and the Three Bears related?

Very put, they aren’t.

Okay, they weren’t until a search engine found the story of Goldie Locks and the Three Bears when the question was typed in the search bar “What stories teach about respecting privacy?”

The search query brought up the story of Goldie Locks, another website, and another blog about respect written by Susan McCuistion about Compassionate Business Connections. As part of the Susan McCuistion page, drop-down menus encouraged people who used their search engines and found her blog in the top three results.

A blog for SEO is an effective tool in a business’s strategy to help rank towards the top of search results.

It works!

Coupling a well-written blog post with relevant keywords and content with at least one internal link to your articles and webpages will increase how users easily navigate to other pages. The internal links engage users more, creating contextual relationships between your website pages.

Four Types of Blogs with Valuable Content

Personal Blog Posts for SEO Strategy

In 1994, Justin Hall began personal blogging when he was a student in college. Along with Jerry Pournelle and Dave Winer, who were also personal bloggers. Blogging was a way of putting yourself out there regularly. A successful blog depends on post frequency and good content.

Business Blog Posts for SEO Strategy

Business blogging is a marketing tool that uses blogging with valuable content to get online visibility by organic traffic and paid SEO. A business blog is a marketing channel like social media, direct mail, and email marketing, and it makes sense in building business growth.

Affiliate Blog Posts for SEO Strategy

A blogger who is the affiliate promotes a business’s product or service by using a unique link that identifies the affiliate’s blog as the traffic source. When the user clicks on the blogger’s link or purchases the promoted product, the blogger earns a commission.

Using affiliate blogs is similar to paid SEO advertising through Google Adwords, Facebook ads, or buying advertising space directly on someone else’s website.

Niche Blog Posts for SEO Strategy

A blog niche is about a specialized topic area, and the relevant content is about a specific idea, product, brand, or service.

Niche blog posts hone in on users and craft much more relevant content for them. The target audiences get a great deal from the relevant content in these types of blogs, which adds to the ranking factor.

Digital Marketing

Blog SEO Tips for Better Google Search Results

Effective Blog Post Title

A compelling blog title not only catches the eye of the reader, it asks a question, and it generates a thought process that wants to know more. A compelling blogtitle should make the reader think right from the beginning.

A compelling blog title helps with search engine optimization.
  • Include the target audience by using a question

  • Complete a keyword search for keywords related to the topic and include these

  • Don’t sound like spam.

  • Use the first personal and meaningful conversation

  • Make the content and value clear – What will I get from reading this?

  • Check the Search Engine Results Pages (SERPs), which respond to a user’s search query.

  • Follow a “how-to” formula, and these are the ones with the highest-ranking

  • Add brackets [ ]

  • Stress speed – don’t take too much time from the reader


Making a blog easy to read is vital for the ranking factor.

Using short sentences, smaller paragraphs, punctuation, headings, and bullet points are all ways to help the user get the information they need.

Images and White Space

When you put white space and clear images around the text, it makes it easier to read and more appealing.

White space is space.

It gives the blog a simple, clean, minimalist look. It helps with convincing the user that the content is digestible and accessible. Use whitespace to your advantage to draw attention to content.

Keyword Research Tools

There are several keyword research tools to find relevant keywords. Keywords add to how the search engines find your blog post. Understanding not only the keyword but the competition analysis is essential.

Low-difficulty keywords are essential to use in blog articles.

Long Tail Keywords

A new blog post will do better if it focuses on long-tail keywords. Long-tail keywords are not highly competitive. Long-tail keywords are three or four keywords specific to your brand, product, or service. They rank well because there is limited competition.

Don’t Engage in Keyword Stuffing

Keyword research will help you find keywords related to the informative post you are writing. But don’t use so many keywords, known as keyword stuffing, that the blog becomes challenging to read.

A difficult blog that is hard to read irritates the blog followers, and Google may penalize you for it.

Strategically placing keywords based on your keyword research is the key.

As you decide how to write your blog, if you enter your focus keyword in the Google search and go to the bottom of the page, you will find the results for related searches. Try to include as many of these keywords in your informative post.

Create Content That Answers Questions

When writing content, create content that speaks to the user’s needs. To build and maintain a successful blog, you need a content plan. Create content related to future blog posts, and know what you plan to do for publishing schedules.

Take time to know the characteristics of your target audience.

Create quality content that will help search engines find the blog, and including internal links will help with website traffic to your site.

Consider Posting Featured Snippets

A featured snippet is a short snippet of text that Google search pulls from the search results. These appear at the top of the organic search results. Google will remove text from blog posts and articles and use featured snippets.

Utilize Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and Social Media to Promote Blog Content

These social media sites have web exposure. Paid ads are helpful to promote blog posts. Use these sites to increase connections with your potential and existing customers. You can repurpose blog content on these sites to hook readers with your informative post.

These sites are typically not free but may be worth the investment when you look at the google analytics data and determine the risk on investment for the cost per site ranking.

Paid ads can help optimize your blog posts.

Search traffic can find your blog post easily because these sites can work with target audience characteristics to improve rankings.

Use SEO Plugins

On your business webpage, the page title and meta description appear in the code of your page and search engine results. The meta descriptions and SEO plugins tell the search engines what the page is about. An SEO plugin affects search engine optimization, web analysis, online marketing, and other aspects. Many SEO plugins allow you navigational links to your page, and they are like breadcrumbs and helps users find what they need from your pages.

Pawn Leads a CRM Automated Platform

You’ve read through the blog and have made a decision to start writing a weekly blog post to help improve your web traffic through better rankings. You have completed a cursory review of your WordPress site and site speed and you are satisfied that these are in order. You would like to write your own articles with content focused on gold, gold buying and selling, and precious metals. You know that these are all hot items in today’s economy and something you could make a profit on in your pawnshop.

You read the best blog seo tips above and realize you have a lot to learn but you are willing to try. You even searched respect and what does Goldie Locks and the Three Bears to see what came up just for fun.

Pawn Leads Logo

Now what? Writing Your Own Blogs?

You search for automated marketing solutions for pawn shops. In the search result, up comes Pawn Leads and discover that the business is co-owned by a pawnshop owner and the other owner is a small business owner and is a full-service marketing solution.

As you look through the site you find that it offers custom automated follow-up text, two-way texting, call recording, email, webchat replies, easy integration with Google and Facebook.

You fill out the form to start the 7-day trial using Pawn Leads. You set up a time to meet with Sam and/or Lex for a consultation to discuss your goals and identify solutions.

Sam sent a summary out after you met, and you were able to identify some high-level goals. The expert team at Pawn Leads agreed to set up some follow-up meetings to teach you how to use the software and understand the benefits of using the automated marketing solution.

You’re excited!

You sit down and start to think about a blog post with inbound links and recall the following:

1, 2, 3 Summary – Blog SEO Tips

How Do You Write A Blog for SEO So It Is Discovered by the Search Engine Algorithms and Appears In the Top Search Engine Rankings?

Blog SEO isn’t for the faint at heart. It begins with writing a compelling article, blog posts, keeping the user and search engines in mind. Writing optimized blog posts is a skill. The topics that you choose to write abut need to snag the attention of the user and keep them engaged. A well written, easy to read blog with quality content has a good chance of pulling in website traffic and ranking well. Writing a mediocre blog with content that is so so and difficult to read, results in low rankings.

  1. Think and then think again before you write – do some discovery and determine the specific topic you are writing about and the end goal (more traffic, search engine rankings,user conversions).

  2. Answer this, how will the blog benefit your readers and keep them engaged?

  3. Create the structure for your blog. A blog title in the form of a question is engaging, using headings and short sentences and many shortof paragraphs make it easier to read.

  4. Craft completing the “hook ya” title is a vital step in your SEO tactics.

  5. Make sure your title is 55-60 characters long.

  6. It should contain a target keyword that the target audience would use to find it.

  7. Headings are important for readability as well as they help Google search engines and other search engines find your blog and increase your ranking.

  8. Add internal links whenever you write a new blog post but only when it makes sense. Internal linking helps search engines discover new pages on your website, creating options for your users.

  9. Less is more, or maybe the right keywords used effectively will get you the best results. Keyword research will provide you with keywords to use naturally in your blog and add them to the title, headings, content, and blog summary. Don’t use keyword stuffing – the overuse of keywords makes your blog post read clunky.

  10. Blog posts should be no less than 300 words, and remember, longer blog posts perform better. A longer blog post must be easy to read, navigate, and hold the users’ attention. Quality in content is better than quantity.

  11. It takes time to improve your google search results by paying attention to ranking factor tips like listed above.

  12. As you post new blog posts, you need to add them to your hub page, so users and search engines can find them later.

  13. Optimize blog content through meta descriptions. Meta descriptions summarize the blog post that is less than 200 characters. These summaries may be picked up by Goggle as featured snippets and can add to your ranking. They need to be captivating, hold your users’ attention, and informative.